Thursday, December 23, 2010

An Open Letter to NOM (National Organization for Marriage)

Dear Mr. Brown, President & Ms. Gallagher, Chairman National Organization for Marriage:

I wanted to thank you for all of your efforts protecting marriage.  I also wanted to especially thank you for your efforts now to protect children.

I see that you have launched a new effort to protect children from foul language.  It seems that some activists have decided to use children for shock value in their latest Internet ad campaign to promote marriage equality.  While exploiting children is nothing new--look whom I am telling--using them to spout filthy adult language is.  I mean, have you ever heard children on a playground?  Their angelic voices never use foul words.  They only use the purest and most innocent of language, that is if you consider most of the words used by Chris Rock on an HBO special chaste and uncontaminated.

With all the money you spent in 2008, 2009, and 2010 to defeat gay marriage, gay everything-but-marriage, and simply gay rights of any kind, how much did you spend on children?  Have you always had a soft spot in your hearts for children, or is this a newly found obsession?  I mean given both of your predilections, I would think you would steer clear of children altogether, lest you find yourself in some sort of situation, which you cannot control.

With all the millions you, and your cohorts, like the Mormon and Catholic Churches, spent protecting marriage from the gay, how much did you actually spend protecting existing marriages?  How much money did you give to a struggling family, looking for work, housing, or food?  How much of that Christian money did you actuallly spend on Christian charity?

And how much money did you spend protecting children back then?  How many millions did you fork over to provide free meals to underprivileged children or textbooks to kids without any?  How much did you spend helping a special needs child pass a difficult subject, so he or she was able to continue with school and get the education, which would be needed to get a better job?  How much did you really care about the kids, when you get down to it?

I also would like to ask why you continually pick on single parent households.  I hear you want to provide every child with a father and mother, as if a mother- or father-only household is an anathema.  My brother and I, having both grown up in a single-parent home, find your attack on children of divorce and death most distasteful.

If you wish to protect children, might I suggest you use your considerable talents and resources to stop the real threats to children in this world:  land mines, famine, war, pestilence, child trafficking, child labor, and poverty.  Of course, to attack any of these real problems, you would have to change your focus from an abstract boogey man, and focus instead on tangible issues, which you, as consumers and shareholders, have contributed to over the last century.

I guess if you decided to really work to protect children, you would have to stop pretending to be Christian, and actually be Christian.  After all, we all know how much Jesus devoted to proecting marriage, stopping abortion, and persecuting the gays in his ministry.  And all that junk he said over and over again about rich people paying their fair share, helping others, and loving one another were just window dressing so he could promote his real agenda.

Bilking people out of millions by exploiting their irrational fears and prejudices in order to line your pockets.

I believe I speak for Jesus when I say "fuck you."


The Angry Peasant

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